Pediatric Oncology for Parents
For Parents

What is a Neuroblastoma?

A neuroblastoma is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system, which serves the role of sending messages throughout the body from the brain. Often found in the form of a lump or mass in the spinal cord region or in the abdomen, neuroblastomas can be difficult to detect because the symptoms are similar to those of other diseases.

A child with neuroblastoma


Depending on how far along the cancer is, and whether or not it has spread much, the treatment can widely vary. Surgery is quite common and useful in removing as much of the tumor as possible, along with the use of radiation and chemotherapy. Also, in some cases, bone marrow transplantation may be necessary following the above treatments.

For more information on neurblastomas, visit:

The Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Society

Children's Cancer Web

Pediatric Oncology for Parents * 2908 Valley Brook Dr. * Champaign, IL * 61822